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Youth Development League (YDL)                      (U13,U15)

Scottish Athletics Indoor League (SAIL)             (U11,U13,U15,U17,U20,SEN)

Central & South Scotland League (CSSAL)      (U11,U13,U15,U17,U20,SEN)

Forth Valley League (FVL)                                    (U11,U13,U15)

Scottish National Athletics League (SNAL)      (U17,U20)


Scottish National Athletics League Match 1
Grangemouth , 13th April 2024


It was the beginning of the 2024 outdoor season today with the Scottish Athletics National League first match at Grangemouth today. This involves our more senior athletes in the U17 and U20 age groups.

Sophie Thomas was in good form in the 100m where she ran 12.05 secs finishing the top U17W athlete. It would have been a new Club record but a +3.3m/s wind rendered it invalid.

Darcie Black stormed home in the U20 100m hurdles in a time just outside her own Club Record. Shayna Asamoah was in new territory for her running a 400m but she finished 3rd U20W in an excellent 61.45secs which was just outside the club record but took Vicky Listers U20W record set in 2008.

There were also excellent performances on the track for Oliver Morrison in the 800m , Amy Jenkinson in the 300m and Kirstin Penman in her inaugural 100m hurdles. Darcie and Kirstin also finished 3rd and 7th in the long jump.

Youth development League League Match 1
Grangemouth , 21st April 2024


The first Youth Development league match of the season saw the U13 and U15 athletes from the club head for Grangemouth to compete in the Division 2 match. It was a day where the 19 competing athletes for the Club amassed a total of 30 Personal bests with some excellent performances.


These were the highlights from our athletes, all added PBs to their performances unless stated and all places are overall including both the A and B strings:

- In the U13 category Sean Asamaoh finished 1st in the 75m and 150m whilst in the field a 5.78m throw secured 3rd spot in the shot putt. Finlay Gibson finished the 75m in 4th with a time of 11.23secs, Millie Gordon was 14th in 3.03mins in a competitive 800m and Evanne Carson produced an excellent 11.7secs for a 7th place finish in the 75m. Alfie Whyte finished 4th in a 2.3mins 800m,and Poppy Buchanan's highlight was a 23.1 secs run in the 150m to finish 8th.Jaden MacKay saved his best performance for the field where he finished 11th with a 5.01m shot putt as did Rosie Dyson who leapt 3.10m for an SB in the long jump.


- In the U15 category Riley Gardiner secured 2nd spots in both the 100m and 200m with SBs of 12.7 and 25.5secs respectively. Luke Hamilton added 3PBs to his events where his best show was 6th spot in the 100m in 13.2secs, Arabella Mitchell was 13th in a 15.5secs SB in the 100m and Pippa Rambaut was a very creditable 5th in a 29.2secs 200m. Charlie MacKay ran an excellent 2.34mins 800m race to finish 4th,Poppy Warner finished in 2.40mins SB for the 800m in 10th spot whlle Lucy Gibb was in excellent form in her 1500m where she finished 2nd in 5.07mins.. Finally for the U15s Lily Pritchard was also in the 1500m where she finished 8th in 5.38mins, Molly Robinson's 70m hurdle run of 17.7secs was enough for a 17th spot and Caitlin Chalmers secured a 5th place in the high jump with a 1.35 jump.


An excellent start to the season with many of our young athletes competing in a higher age group for the first time. Well done to them all and we move forward into the second match with great confidence.

Central & South Scotland League Match 1
Grangemouth , 27th  April 2024


The first Central & South Scotland match of the season saw the DTFC athletes head for Grangemouth hoping to make a good start in their season in the 3rd tier.


The U11 athletes were first up and Alice Thomas was best points scorer with two firsts in the 80m and long jump both with Personal bests (PBs). She also added a 2nd spot in her 600m.Mara Webber was 5th in her long jump with a 2.94 PB while she also added PBs in her 80m and 600m.


The U13 athletes were performing well in their respective events. Sean Asamoah was 2nd in the 100m and shot putt with  a 13.89secs PB and 5.65m throw respectively. Finlay Gibsons best was a 3rd place in the 80m in a 14.68secs PB, Kelseigh Wilson leapt a 3.35m PB to finish 5th in the long jump, Rachel Petrie set a PB in the 100m in 16.1secs, Alfie Whyte ran a very impressive 2.34mins PB to win his 800m – he also finished 2nd in his long jump- and Jaden MacKay set his 800m PB to finish 3rd in 2.47mins. Emma Thompson was also on the PB trail finishing 6th in her 800m in 2.58mins while Rosie Dyson threw 3.65m in her shot putt setting a PB and also in the field Poppy Buchannan was 3rd in her long jump with a 3.47 PB and bringing up an excellent day for the U13 group Evanne Carson won her shot put throwing a 5.51m PB.


Luke Hamilton was in form in his 100m finishing 2nd in his 100m in a 12.92secs PB, Alistair Rimmer 4th in hs javelin with a 21.21m PB, Lottie Thomas won her 100m in 14.75secs and Freya Kiernan was 11th in her 100m in 14.75secs. Riley Gardiner continued his fine form winning his 800m in a 2.19 mins PB, Poppy Warner finished 4th in her 800m in a 2.33mins seasons best (SB) while in the same race Abby McAndrew was 8th in a 2.57mins PB. Charlie Hunter threw a 41.33m javelin to win his section which was not only a PB but a club record and he added a 2nd spot in the long jump to his performanceswith a 4.99m PB.


The older athletes were setting PBs with Chris Doig 7th in a 59.23secs PB, Amy Jenkinson 6th in her 300m in a 43.99secs PB and Sarah Kane 4th in her 100m in a 13.35secs PB. For the U20s Shayna Asamoah won her 400m in a 60.77secs PB,Callum Newton was 4th in his 100m in a 12.05secs PB , Darcie Black set a SB while winning her 100m in 13.1 secs – also setting a PB in her javelin finishing 2nd with a throw of 20.59m- Kirstin Penman won her high jump with a 1.45m leap and had PBs in both her 400m where she was 2nd and an SB in her 3rd place finish for the 100m. Hayley Penman ran an excellent  2.55mins for her 800m to finish 8th and was 4th in her javelin with a 12.56 PB throw.


So much to be positive with from this league match with 32 PBs between 28 DTFC athletes . A really positive start sees the club lying 3rd after this match.

Forth Valley League Match 1
Grangemouth , 4th May 2024


The first Forth valley League Match saw the DTFC U11-U15 athletes have a solid start to the season with excellent performances and PBs.


For the U11s Alice Thomas took top spot in her 100m, 800m and long jump with 2 PBs for the track events, Faith Holness in her league debut was excellent her 3 events with a 3rd place and a 2.91m jump in her long jump her highlight.


In the U13 category Finlay Gibson finished 2nd in his 100m in a 13.9secs PB with PBs also in his 800m 2.48mins)  and Shot putt (3.52m). Jaden MacKay continued his fine form with 3 PBs in his shot putt (5.45m) where he finished 2nd, 800m ( 2.43mins) in a 3rd place finish and 4th in his 100m (14.7 secs). Poppy Buchanan’s best performance was a 2nd spot in a 100m 14.7secs PB, Rosie Dyson ran an excellent 2.56mins in the 800m to finish 6th and added a shot putt PB, and Millie Gordon was 9th in a 3.03mins PB in her 800m. Kelseigh Wilson concluded the U13 performances with an excellent 2nd spot in a 1.20m PB high jump while her sister Paige finished 8th in a 16.1secs PB.


For the U15s Riley Gardiner is having an excellent season with first place finishes and PBs in the 100m ( 12.3secs) and 800m (2.18mins) .Luke Hamilton was also running well with 3rd spot in the 100m ( 13.0secs) and PBs in both his long jump (4.13m)  and javelin (11.64m) where he finished 3rd and 5th respectively. Arabella Mitchell added a seasons best (SB) to finish 5th in her 100m in 14.8secs, Abby McAndrew’s highlight was a 6.06m throw in a  10th spot in her javelin whilst Poppy Warner showed fine early season form with 2nd spot in the 800m (2.37m) and Briony Argo 4th in the same race in 2.45mins.A couple of the U15s were just competing in field events with Caitlin Chalmers leaping  4.07m long jump for a PB and 3rd spot while Molly Robinson finished 8th in the same event with a 3.58m PB.


Well done all . A good solid start to the season with plenty to follow.

Youth Development League Match 2
Ayr , 19th May 2024


The U13 & U15 Dunfermline Track & Field (DTFC) athletes made the long journey down the M77 to compete in their second Youth Development match of the season at the new Riverside stadium in Ayr. They returned having produced some excellent performances with 19 personal bests (PBs) between the 12 competing DTFC athletes.


In the U13 category Poppy Buchanan set 2 PBs for her 150m and javelin with her 4th spot  in the sprint her highlight in a time of 22.64secs.Evanne Carson continued her fine form in the shot putt winning her competition with a 5.46m throw. She added PBs in her 150m where she finished 5th  and her 1200m. Millie Gordon continued her improvement with a 10th spot in her 800m with a 2.56mins PB and Rosie Dyson set 2 PBs in her 1200m and shot putt.


Riley Gardiner led the way for the U15s winning both his 100m and 200m races with a 12.15m PB in his 100m. Alistair Rimmer took on 3 events setting PBs in all 3 with his 2nd spot in the discus throwing 16.74m being  his highlight. Pippa Rambaut continued to show improvement in her 100m with a 9th place and a 13.94secs PB, Arabella Mitchell leapt a 3.76m PB to finish 8th in her long jump while Lottie Thomas set 2 PBs out of her 3 events , her highlight being a 2nd place in her 200m but set PBs in her 75m hurdles and long jump with 14.75 secs and 4.45m respectively. Molly Robinson was also setting PBs this time in her 200m and shot putt, while in the middle-distance category Lucy Gibb finished 8th with a 2.31mins run in the 800m with Poppy Warner finishing 10th in 2.35mins.


The club, coaches and athletes can be can very satisfied with the results from this match with many of the athletes setting multiple PBs which is a great reward for the hard work in training.

Forth Valley League Match 2
Livingston , 2nd June 2024


The second Forth Valley league fixture of the season saw our U11-U15 athletes competing in the Division 2 match .


There was only one representative from the U11 age group, but it was an outstanding performance with Alice Thomas winning her 200m ( 31.5secs) , 600m (1.58mins) and high jump (1.20m) all with PBs for good measure.


The U13s were led by Finlay Gibson whose best performance was a 2nd spot in the 75m hurdles (16.4secs) although his 200m and 3rd spot (30.7secs ) was also impressive with Jaden MacKay’s best show  a 5th place in his long jump (3.30m) . For the U13 girls Evanne Carson ‘s best performance was 3rd spot in her 200m ( 31.0secs), Rachel Petrie 13th in her 200m ( 33.6secs) Rosie Dyson 8th in the 1500m (6.12mins) -with a PB- and Millie Gordon 9th in the same race with a PB of 6.14mins..


The U15s produced a show with Riley Gardiner the star winning his 200m(24.9secs) , 1500m (4.50mins) and long jump (4.39m ) all with PBs. Luke Hamilton’s best was 2nd in the 200m, while for the girls Freya Keirnan was an excellent 9th in her 200m(31secs) with a PB, Briony Argo 6th also in the 200m (30.3secs) also with a PB , Lucy Gibb 1st with a very impressive run in her 1500m (5.11mins) , Poppy Warner 2nd in the same 1500m (5.24mins) with an SB, Lottie Thomas 3rd in her 75m hurdles ( 13.7secs ) adding another PB and Abbey McAndrew 12th in her long jump ( 3.21m) where she set an SB.


Overall a good day for the club and they march onto the final league match at the end of August hoping to secure promotion to Division 1.

Central & South Scotland League Match 2
Grangemouth , 9th June 2024


The second Central & South Scotland league Match took place at Grangemouth with the DTFC looking to build on the success of the first match and maintain their hopes for promotion back to Division one.


This match saw the Club utilise all its age groups and resulted in a busy but successful day.


Our younger athletes in the U11 category were going well with Alice Thomas once again leading the way with first places and personal bests (PBs) in the 150m (23.06secs) and 600m (1.58mins) while adding a 2nd spot in her long jump. Supporting her also in the U11 category was Alfie Walsh with PBs in both his 150m (25.49secs)  and 600m where he finished 6th and 5th respectively, and Mara Webber who in her first League match set 3 PBs in all her events.


In the U13 category Finlay Gibson set the pace early with two 3rd places and PBs  in his 200m ( 29.41secs) and 70m hurdles (16secs) , Alfie Whyte ran a stunning 1500m (5.10 mins) to take first place and set a PB , Evanne Carson’s best performances were a 2nd place in her shot put ( 5.67m) adding a PB and a 3rd place in her 200m in a 20.37secs PB and Rachel Petrie continued her improvement with PBs in both her 200m (32.31secs) and long jump (4.56m). Poppy Buchanan has had an excellent start to her season and that continued with a 4th place and PB in her 70m hurdles( 14.7secs) and 6th place in her 1200m (4.41mins) also with a PB. Rosie Dyson added 2 PBs to her 1200m(4.42mins) to finish 7th and Javelin with a 6.96m PB. Jaden MacKay threw an excellent 18.02m and PB in his javelin to win his event and added a PB of 6.05mins in his 1500m.


A busy afternoon for the U15s with Luke Hamilton and Alistair Rimmer in the mix during the sprint events. Luke took top spot in his 200m (25.40secs) while Alistair was 3rd in his 200m (26.39secs) and long jump (4.18m) setting PBs in both. Pippa Rambaut ran 28.47secs for a solid 3rd spot in her 200m, Arabella Mitchell fisihed 6th in her 200m(29.79secs) adding a PB, Lily Pritchard was 4th in her 1500m (5.49mins) and Lottie Thomas finished 2nd in her 70m hurdles ( 14.02secs) and high jump (1.40m ) both with PBs. Molly Robinson set a 15.46 secs PB in her hurdles and Caitlin Chalmers best performance was a 4th place on 1.30m.


The U17s had solid representation with Amy Jenkinson setting a new league record in the 80m hurdles winning her race in 12.19secs. The record stood for al of 15 minutes when in the CSSAL division one match in Ayr it was broken .Christopher Doig had a 3.91m long jump to finish 8th in his best performance, Kieron Ash set 3 PBs in his 200m (25.79secs), long jump (4.80m) and javelin (10.21m), Sophie Thomas secured a 2nd spot in her 200m (25.89secs) and Sarah Kane finished  3rd in her javelin(19.25m) and 6th in her 200m (27.64secs) with a PB.


The senior athletes were thin on the ground but Darcie Black took top spot in the 100m hurdles (15.78secs) and long jump( 5.35m) while Kirstin Penman added 3 PBs to her 200m (27.52secs) where she finished 1st and  2nd spots in both her 80m hurdles ( 18.24secs) and long jump (5.03m).


Its all to play for in the last league match in late August with the club tied 2nd in the league and looking to secure a promotion spot in the first 2. This was an excellent showing by the athletes . We will need more of the same in August.

Youth Development League Match 3
Grangemouth , 16th June 2024


The final Youth Development League match of the 2024 season took place at Grangemouth with the DTFC trying to establish a good finish to the season and avoid bottom spot in division 2.


 There were a number of excellent performances from both the U13 and U15 athletes competing with a number adding Personal bests (PBs) or Seasons bests (SB) .


For the U13s Finlay Gibson began the quest for points with a couple of good track performances. He finished 8th in the 75m in a 11.08secs PB and 9th in a 17.4secs PB in the 75mhurdles. Other notable performances from the U13 group were Poppy Buchanan with 3 PBs in her 75m(11.18secs) to finish 6th, 1200m and shot putt. Evanne Carson was in good form with a 4th spot in her 75m in a 11.39secs PB, Rosie Dyson was 12th in her 800m in a 2.55mins PB and Millie Gordon just behind Rosie in 13th spot with a 3.03mis PB.


Riley Gardiner led the way for the U15s with a stunning win in the 300m in 38.3secs ( a new club record) while he added a 2nd place in the 100m to his tally for the day. Alistair Rimmer was solidly reliable as always with his best performance an 8th place and a 44.65secs PB in his 300m. The U15 girls were also producing the goods with Lottie Thomas 5th in her 100m in 13.72secs, Pippa Rambaut 6th in her 100m in a 13.79 PB, Freya Keirnon 10th in a 49.11secs PB, Molly Robinson 12th in her 300m in a 50.27secs PB and in the middle distance events Poppy Warner finished 5th in her 800m with a time of 2.30mins and Lucy Gibb 3rd in her 1500m in 5.14mins.


The U15 field athletes also contributed vital points with Caitlin Chalmers finishing 8th in both her long jump and javelin – the javelin giving her a 11.06m PB – and Briony Argo setting a SB in her long jump with a 3.39m leap.


The confirmed league table at the end of the match saw the club sadly finish bottom of division 2 despite all the heroic efforts of the athletes

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